
"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
    return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Params = exports.Query = exports.Body = exports.Next = exports.Response = exports.Request = void 0;
var defineParameter_1 = __importDefault(require("../app/defineParameter"));
var Params_1 = __importDefault(require("./Params"));
 * This decorator is used to get the Express's Request when using an [\@Action]{@link Action}.
 * For an example usage of [\@Request]{@link @Request}. Check [\@Get]{@link Get}
 * @static
 * @member {Express.Request} @Request
 * @memberof module:Router
exports.Request = (0, defineParameter_1.default)(Params_1.default.ExpressRequest);
 * This decorator is used to get the Express's Response when using an [\@Action]{@link Action}.
 * For an example usage of [\@Response]{@link @Response}. Check [\@Get]{@link Get}
 * @static
 * @member {Express.Response} @Response
 * @memberof module:Router
exports.Response = (0, defineParameter_1.default)(Params_1.default.ExpressResponse);
 * This decorator is used to get the Express's Response when using an [\@Action]{@link Action}.
 * For an example usage of [\@Next]{@link @Next}. Check [\@Get]{@link Get}
 * @static
 * @member {Express.NextFunction} @Next
 * @memberof module:Router
exports.Next = (0, defineParameter_1.default)(Params_1.default.ExpressNext);
 * This decorator is used to post the Express's Request Body when using an [\@Action]{@link Action}.
 * For an example usage of [\@Body]{@link @Body}. Check [\@Post]{@link Post}
 * @static
 * @member {Express.Request.Body} @Body
 * @memberof module:Router
exports.Body = (0, defineParameter_1.default)(Params_1.default.ExpressRequestBody);
 * This decorator is used to get the Express's Request Query when using an [\@Action]{@link Action}.
 * For an example usage of [\@Query]{@link @Query}. Check [\@Get]{@link Get}
 * @static
 * @member {Express.Request.Query} @Query
 * @memberof module:Router
exports.Query = (0, defineParameter_1.default)(Params_1.default.ExpressRequestQuery);
 * This decorator is used to get the Express's Request Params when using an [\@Action]{@link Action}.
 * For an example usage of [\@Params]{@link @Params}. Check [\@Get]{@link Get}
 * @static
 * @member {Express.Request.Params} @Params
 * @memberof module:Router
exports.Params = (0, defineParameter_1.default)(Params_1.default.ExpressRequestParams);